New Year, New You, New Us!

2022 is here and we are so excited to see what this year has in store for us. It's hard to believe that it is already the 19th of January, but being that December was such a busy time of year, we welcomed a little break to just take a deep breath for a moment. It can’t last too long though, as we are already back at it, full throttle!

We are so excited for this new year and what it has in store. One of the first things we will be doing is heading to the Winter Equestrian Festival to not only soak up some sun, but also touch base with many of our equestrian business customers, equine professionals, and event collaborators. Make sure you touch base with us while we're there to set up a one-on-one.
This is when you can really gain insight into our products, systems, and processes, and we can dive deep into our webstore and corporate store programs which will undoubtedly enhance your business in so many ways.
Not heading to one of the Florida winter circuits this year? That's ok, our amazing team will still be at your fingertips for whatever you need, whenever you need it, and we are always happy to schedule a video call to do the same from afar.
Speaking of our team, we have some big things in store for you this year. As you know we are all about give back, give back, give back and we are currently working on a ton of new projects that will allow us to do just that. We will be introducing new products that we know you will love, but we are also VERY interested in getting your input as well.
Not only will this assist us in product and system development, but it will also ensure that we can meet all your needs and really stand by our model of being a one-stop-shop for anyone at any level. If you are interested in sharing your feedback about products and systems with us, please send us a message ( or simply click the link on our website which will direct accordingly.
Whether it's a new product idea, a modification to something we carry or a new system that would make life easier for you, we are all ears and welcome your feedback.

*As a thank you for your effort, for every message sent offering viable feedback and/or ideas, we will enter your name in a draw for a chance to win a $50 gift card to come and shop with us! From equestrian branded products to innovative new ideas and collaborations, we have something for everyone. Stay tuned as we unveil exciting new projects throughout the year!
We want to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year. May it be filled with health, happiness, and lots of success both professionally and personally, but most importantly, may all your dreams come true! Thank you for being part of our amazing community and we look forward to seeing more of you in 2022!
Related Articles:
1. Staff Picks to Add to your Must Have List.
2. Branding Your Biz and the Power Behind it.
* Feedback will be accepted until February 15, 2022. Draw will take place via random selector and the winner will be emailed (February 18, 2022). Gift certificate will be sent electronically to the winning recipient within 3 days of announcement. All input will remain confidential with the exception of winner’s name.